Using the processing page

This article explains how to use the processing page to run searches, save filter combinations, and perform actions on processing activities.

Searching for processing activities

The Processing page offers a comprehensive range of filters that allows you to easily find the processing activities you are looking for in the entity you are working on.

By default, all processing activities are listed, starting with the most recently updated one. Inactive processing activities are grayed and must be activated to be opened.

A processing search engine that allows searches across all your entities is also available in the top bar.


To search for a processing activity in the current entity:

  1. In the sidebar, click Processing.

2. At the top of the page, select Article 30 or Extended.

3. Set the filter(s).

4. Click the Filter button.

5. Use the column sort arrows if required.

6. Click the line of the processing activity to open it. The following filters are available:





Enter full or partial name of processing activity. The search is case-insensitive.

DC/DP types

Select Data Controller or Processor.


Select one or more areas.


Select one or more users. Search results will display them in the Drafter or Validator columns or both depending on their role.


Slide left and/or right cursors to set completion rate range.


Select one or more statuses.

Saving/sharing filter combinations

Filter settings can be:

  • saved as bookmarks that allow you to easily display frequently used filter combinations

  • shared with other users so they can view the same list of processing activities as you.


To save or share a filter combination:

  1. Set the filters.

  2. Click the Filter button.

  3. To save the filter combination, use the standard bookmark icon in your browser. You can then reload it via your browser just like any other bookmark.

  4. To share the filter combination with another user, copy the URL from the address bar in your browser, paste it into your chat, emailer or other communication tool, and send it. When the recipient clicks the link, their screen will display the same processing activities as yours.

Performing actions on processing activities

The Processing page allows you to perform a number of actions on processing activities.



Activate: in Status column, click the Activate button of an inactive processing activity.

Activates one of the standard industry-specific processing activities included in your GDPR software. You can then begin to complete the fields.

Click the “...” icon to perform the following actions:

View summary

Provides a full summary of all completed fields in the processing activity. Includes the completion percentage.


Downloads the summary as a pdf.


Allows you to duplicate a processing activity within the same entity, or to a different entity. See Duplicating a processing activity.


Moves the processing activity to a different area.


Permanently deletes the processing activity.