Duplicating a processing activity

This article provides an overview of the duplication process, and walks you through the duplication procedure.

Original/duplicate independence

When you duplicate a processing activity, the duplicate is not linked to the original. In other words, after you duplicate, if you modify the original, the duplicate is not modified. Likewise, if you modify the duplicate, the original is not modified.

Duplicating to multiple targets

In a single step, a processing activity can be duplicated to:

  • one or more areas in the current entity

  • one or more areas in one or more other entities

Information not duplicated

Not all the information in a processing activity is duplicated. The type of information not duplicated depends on the target entity. At the least, you will need to add a Drafter and a Validator to the duplicate, as this information is never duplicated. If the processing activity is duplicated to another entity, the duplicate will not be Article 30-compliant even if the original was.

The following table describes which information is not duplicated. The missing information must be entered manually in each duplicate.


Target entity


not duplicated

Same entity, different area

  • Drafters

  • Validators

Different entity: If repositories & documents of source entity are shared with target entity

  • Drafters

  • Validators

  • Contacts

  • Departments

Different entity: If repositories & documents of source entity are not shared with target entity

  • Drafters

  • Validators

  • Contacts

  • Departments

  • Sites

  • Third parties

  • Software

  • Documents

If document sharing with the target entity is enabled but sharing of specific documents has been disabled, then the shared documents will appear in the duplicated processing activity and the unshared documents will not. To find out more about repository and document sharing, see Sharing documents & repositories.

When can I duplicate?

A processing activity can be duplicated at any point, regardless of its:

  • percentage of completion

  • status: being drafted, being validated, being reviewed, validated

When a processing activity is duplicated, the status of the duplicate is always Being drafted, regardless of its original status.

How to duplicate a processing activity

To duplicate a processing activity:

  1. In the sidebar, click Processing.

  2. Locate the processing activity to be duplicated and do one of the following:

  • Click the "..." icon and select Duplicate


  • If the processing activity is already open, click the "..." icon and select Duplicate.

3. The Duplicate processing dialog box opens. You can rename the new processing activity to avoid confusing it with the original.

4. Click the + Add entity button.

5. In the Entitie(s) column, select a target entity from the dropdown menu.

If the target entity is the current entity, you must select that entity


6. In the Area(s) column, click the Select area field and select one or more target areas from the dropdown menu. Then click outside the menu to close it.

Data controller (DC) processing activities can only be duplicated to DC areas, and Data processor (DP) processing activities can only be duplicated to DP areas.


7. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 until you have selected all the target entities/areas.

8. Click Confirm. The processing is duplicated to all target entities/areas.

Not all the information in a processing activity is duplicated. You will therefore need to complete the duplicates.

To find out what information is missing, see the “Information not duplicated” section above. For general information on completing processing activities, see Creating Article 30-compliant processing.

More generally, duplicates should be checked to ensure that all the information they contain is consistent with the processing activity as performed by the target entity/area.