Processing search engine

The processing search engine allows you to search for processing activities across all of your entities.

The search engine is available at all times in the top bar.

Another search feature on the processing page allows you to search for processing activities in just the current entity using a set of filters.

Access rights and search results

Search results include all entities and all processing activities to which your user profile gives you access.

Profiles (factory settings)


  • Administrator

  • Contact person within the entity

  • Substitute contact person within the entity

All processing activities

  • Head of division

  • Person in charge of implementing the processing

  • User

Processing activities assigned to their divisions


The search engine looks for the search entry in all your entities, and in the following items:

  • processing names

  • purposes

  • data categories

  • third parties: name, internal reference

  • software: name, internal reference, publisher

Search engine results are updated every hour. This means it can take up to 1 hour before new processing activities/changes appear in the results.

Matching rules

Search engine matching rules are shown in the following table.

Search entry



Exact matches.

Part of word (at least 3 characters required)

Partial matches in any part of word.

More than one word

The results appear in the following order:

  1. Results containing all words in same order (exact matches).

  2. Results containing all words in different order.

  3. Results containing at least one of the words.

Matching is:

  • case-insensitive

  • accent-sensitive

Searching for processing activities

To search for a processing activity:

  1. In the Search field, type a word and press Enter.

  2. The results are displayed on the Search page. Each result indicates the entity and the part of the processing activity where the word was found.

Search results include both active and inactive processing activities. The status is indicated.

  • When you click an active processing activity it opens directly.

  • When you click an inactive processing activity, the Processing page of the entity opens, showing the processing entity. You must activate the processing activity to open it (click the Activate button).


3. To narrow down the results by entity, click the Entities field, select one or more entities and click the Apply button.

Saving/sharing searches

Searches can be:

  • saved as bookmarks that allow you to easily display frequently used search combinations

  • shared with other users so they can view the same search results as you.


To save or share a search combination:

  1. In the Search field, type the search entry and click Search.

  2. If applicable, filter the search by entity and click Apply.

  3. To save the search combination, use the standard bookmark icon in your browser. You can then reload it via your browser just like any other bookmark.

  4. To share the search combination with another user, copy the URL from the address bar in your browser, paste it into your chat, emailer or other communication tool, and send it. When the recipient clicks the link, their screen will display the same search results as on yours.