Areas repository

To be able to add processing activities to areas, you must first add the areas to the Areas repository. This article explains how to create, rename and delete areas.

Areas allow you to organize your processing activities. Your GDPR software is delivered with a number of standard industry-specific areas. You can also create new ones.

The Manage areas permission is required to perform the actions described in this article.

How to add an area to the repository:

To add an area to the repository:

  1. In the sidebar, click Repositories Areas.

2. Click the Create new area button.

3. In the Add area dialog box, enter the name of the area.

4. Click Save. The area is added to the repository and appears in the list of areas.

Areas are arranged by alphabetical order. The new area may therefore appear near the bottom of the list.

How to manage areas

Areas can be renamed and deleted.

To manage an area:

  1. In the sidebar, click Repositories Areas.

  2. You can use the Find an area field to locate the area.

3. To rename an area, hover the area name, click the “pencil” icon and enter the new name.

4. To delete an area, click the trash bin.

If one or more processing activities are linked to an area, it cannot be deleted. You must first move the processing activities to another area.