Setting up users and roles

Client Administration : Client administrators can create users, create roles, and assign roles to users in all the entities that they manage.

Table of contents


Client administration operations are performed in the back office through the following steps:

  1. Create the users.

  2. Create the roles: this consists in giving each role a name and selecting the permissions it includes. You can also use the preset roles delivered with the software.

  3. Assign one or more roles to each user, in each entity they will have access to.

Setup is the same, whether you are managing multiple entities or a single entity.

Accessing the back office

To access the back office:

  1. In your profile menu, select Client Administration.

2. The Client Administration menu gives you access to RolesAssignment, and Users.


To create a user:

  1. In the back office, select Client administration >Users.

  2. Click Add user.

3. Complete the fields in the dialog box and click Save. The user is added to the list. Their account is not yet activated.


Depending on how your list is ordered, if you already have several users the new user will generally not appear at the top. Use the Find a user field to view the user.


4. An email with an activation link is automatically sent to the user.

  • If the client has SSO, clicking the link activates the user’s account.

  • If the client does not have SSO, the user receives a Create my password link. Once their password is created, their account is activated.

The activation link is valid 7 days. If the user does not activate their account within 7 days you can select the user in the list and click the Resend an activation link button.

If the user has not received their email they should check their spam folder.


5. Once the account is activated, the user receives a confirmation email.


A role consists of a set of permissions. When you assign a role to a user, they receive all the permissions that come with that role.

Roles allow you to determine which permissions a user will have, and in which entities.

  • A user can be assigned the same role in several entities.

  • A user can be assigned one role in one entity, and a different role in another entity.

  • A user can be assigned several roles in the same entity, in which case they will enjoy all the permissions contained in these roles combined. If one role includes permission A but another role does not, they will have permission A.

  • If a user has no role in an entity, they cannot access that entity.

A user must have at least one role in at least one entity in order to log in. Otherwise a blank page will display.

The GDPR software is delivered with 6 preset roles. You can use these roles in their initial form or change their permissions. You can also create new roles from scratch.

Creating a role

You can start by using the 6 preset roles delivered with the software, as such or by slightly modifying them (see Changing a role’s permissions below). However, if the permissions in these roles do not correspond to the operational needs of your organization you can create new roles from scratch.

To create a role:

  1. In the back office, select Client administration > Roles.

  2. Click Add a new role.

3. Enter a name for the role and click Continue.

If you manage several entities, you can use the same role in all of them. For example, you can create a role named “Administrator” and assign it to a user in each entity. In this case, all the Administrators will have the same permissions. However, if you want the administrators of certain entities to have different permissions, we suggest adding the entity’s name to the role name. For example, if you want the “Administrator” role to be slightly different in entity A and entity B, use two separate roles and name them “Administrator - Entity A” and “Administrator - Entity B” in order to easily identify them.


4. On the permissions page, select the permissions to be included in the role. Selections are saved automatically.

You can change the permissions at any time. See Changing a role's permissions below.


5. Click the back arrow. The new role appears at the top of the list of roles.

Changing a role’s permissions

You can change a role’s permissions at any time, whether they are the preset roles delivered with the software or roles you created. There are however a few important points to keep in mind when modifying roles.

  • If you change a role’s permissions, the changes will affect all users with that role, in all entities. If you wish to avoid this, you must create a new role with different permissions.

  • If you change the permissions of a predefined role (or a role you created), you cannot keep the original. In other words, there is no “Save as” option. If you modify a preset role and wish to retrieve the original, you can recreate it manually by checking the default permissions on the Preset roles page.


To change a role’s permissions :

  1. In the back office, do one of the following:

  • Select Client administration > Roles and click the name of the role you wish to edit.

  • Select Client administration > Assignment and click the pencil icon of the role you wish to edit (available in “Standard” version only; see “Assigning and removing roles” below).


2. The permissions page opens. To add a permission, select it. To remove a permission, deselect it. Changes are saved automatically.

The changes affect all users with the role in all entities.

Renaming a role

To rename a role:

  1. In the back office, do one of the following:

  • Select Client administration > Roles and click the name of the role you wish to rename.

  • Select Client administration > Assignment and click the pencil icon of the role you wish to rename (available in “Standard” version only; see “Assigning and removing roles” below).

2. On the Permissions page, click the pencil icon and rename the role.

Renaming affects all users with the role in all entities.

Assigning and removing roles

Roles are assigned and removed on the Role assignment page.

There are two versions of this page, depending on your back office version:

  • “Standard” version: Entities are listed without a hierarchy. Roles can be assigned and removed individually or in bulk.

  • “Advanced” version: Entities are organized in a hierarchy. Child entities can inherit roles from parent entities.

In both versions:

  • The Users and Roles pages are the same.

  • To be able to access and work on an entity, a user must have at least one role in that entity.

  • A user must have at least one role in at least one entity, otherwise at login the page will be blank.

The Role assignment page for each version is described below.

Back office Standard version

Assigning and removing roles individually

To assign a role to a user:

  1. In the back office, select Client administration > Assignment. By default, the Role assignment page lists all your entities, all your users, and all the roles already assigned to each user in each entity.

Use the horizontal scroll bar to view more users.

2. To filter the items displayed, click the Entities and/or Users fields, select the items of your choice, and click the Filter button.

3. To assign a role to a user in one entity, hover the mouse over the user’s cell in that entity, click the Add a role dropdown menu, and click GDPR.

4. Select a role. It is added to that user in that entity only.


To remove a role from a user:

  1. Proceed as you would to assign a role, but instead of clicking the Add a role dropdown menu, click the “x” next to the role.


2. In the confirmation dialog box, click Remove. The role is removed from that user in that entity. It is not removed from the user in any of their other entities.

Assigning and removing roles in bulk

The Bulk edit drawer allows you to assign or remove multiple roles to/from multiple users in multiple entities. For example, you can assign 3 roles to 10 users in 5 entities in a single operation. The same applies to removing roles.

To assign or remove roles in bulk:

  1. In the back office, select Client administration > Assignment.

  2. On the Role assignment page, click the Bulk edit button.

3. In the Bulk edit drawer, click Add or Remove.

4. In the Roles dropdown menu, select the roles you wish to assign/remove.

5. In the Users dropdown menu, select the users concerned.

6. In the Entities dropdown menu, select the entities concerned.

7. Click Confirm adding or Confirm removal.

Exporting roles

You can export the roles of users to an Excel file.

To export the roles: 

  1. In the back office, select Client Administration > Assignment.

  2. On the Role assignment page, click the Download button.


3. There are 2 download options:

  • Select All accesses: the roles of all users in all entities to which you have access will be exported.

  • Select Accesses in selection to only export the roles of users and entities selected using the filters.

Back office Advanced version

The “Advanced” version allows you to organize your entities to enable role inheritance from parent to child entities.

It requires that you first work with your Customer Success Manager to set up your entities hierarchy.

Assigning and removing roles

To assign a role to a user:

  1. In the back office, select Client administration > Assignment.

  2. On the Role assignment page, in the User dropdown menu, select a user. All the entities of the organization are displayed according to their hierarchy.

The User field is also a search field.


3. Click the Grant access button of the entity in which you want to give the user a role.

You can use the Search an entity field, or expand/collapse the entity hierarchy.


4. Click the Assign a role field and select a role from the dropdown menu. You can select several roles. Each role is listed with its number of permissions.

5. To give the user the same role(s) in all child entities of the current entity, select Make child entities inherit roles. In the dialog box that opens you have two options:

  • Replace current roles: the user will be given the role(s) in every child entity of the current entity. Any existing roles will be lost.

  • Keep current roles: the user will be assigned the role(s) only in the child entities of the current entity in which they have none. Existing roles in child entities will not be kept.

In a single entity, all of a user’s roles are either inherited or not inherited. A user cannot have certain roles that are inherited and others that are not.


6. Select one of the two options and click Proceed. In the list of entities, the roles are indicated in each concerned child entity.

You can enable role inheritance at any time.


To remove a role from a user:

  1. In the back office, select Client administration > Assignment.

  2. On the Role assignment page, in the User dropdown menu, select a user.

  3. Click the entity in which you wish to remove a role from the user.

  4. To remove the role:

    • If the role is not inherited, click the “-” icon of the role and click Proceed.

    • If the role is inherited, click the Modify roles button. This “breaks” the inheritance. You can then click the “-” icon of the role and click Proceed.

When you “break” an inheritance, the user still keeps the same roles in the current entity. However:

  • the roles are no longer inherited, i.e. they are not linked to the parent entity

  • if the current entity has child entities, the child entities no longer inherit any roles: the inheritance chain is broken.

Exporting roles

You can export the roles of users to an Excel file.

To export the roles:

  1. In the back office, select Client Administration > Assignment.

  2. On the Role assignment page, in the User dropdown menu, select a user.

 3. Click the Download button. There are 2 options:
  • Select All accesses: the roles of all users in all entities of the current client will be exported.

  • Select User’s accesses to only export the roles of the current user in all entities.

Disabling role inheritance

You can disable role inheritance at any time.

To disable role inheritance:

  1. In the back office, select Client administration > Assignment.

  2. On the Role assignment page, in the User dropdown menu, select a user.

  3. Click the entity in which you wish to disable role inheritance.

  4. Deselect Make child entities inherit roles. Role inheritance is disabled and the user loses all their inherited roles in the child entities of the current entity.