December 2021 release

This new release offers three major improvements: a completely redesigned processing page with search filters, an Area repository, and the ability to work on several entities simultaneously.

Processing page makeover

Key features

  • Entirely redesigned, intuitive processing page offering all essential information at a glance

  • Fast, easy searching with wide range of filters

  • Saving and sharing of frequently used filter combinations

Search filters

Use filters to search for processing activities by:

  • Name of processing activity

  • Type: Data controller or Processor

  • Area

  • Users: select from the list of Drafters and Validators

  • Completion rate: slide the left and/or right cursors to set the completion rate range (depends on Article 30/Extended toggle)

  • Status, including “Inactive” (inactive processing activities are grayed)

Remember to click the Filter button to apply the filters!

By default, processing activities are sorted by most recently updated. Use the sort arrows in each column to change the order.

Save filter combinations

Create bookmarks

To avoid having to reset frequently used filter combinations (e.g. my processing activities in progress) each time you work, use the standard bookmark icon available in your browser to create bookmarks. To instantly reload the same filters, select the bookmark via your browser, just as you would any other bookmark.

Facilitate collaborative work

Just set up a complex series of processing filters and you want to work with a colleague or partner? No need to describe each filter setting. Just:

  1. Click the Filter button to apply your filters.

  2. Copy the URL displayed in the address field of your browser.

  3. Paste it into your chat, email or any other communication tool, and send it.

  4. In one click, your colleague’s Processing page will be the exact replica of yours!

For a full description of the new processing page, see Using the processing page.

Areas repository

A new repository has been created for areas, which are now managed in the same way as contacts, departments, and other repositories.

  • Adding, deleting and renaming areas is now performed exclusively in the repository (no longer on the Processing page).

  • All of your existing areas will be added to the repository automatically.

  • You’ll also find new areas specific to your industry in the repository.

  • All areas can be deleted.

  • The areas available for Data controller and Processor processing activities are now exactly the same.

  • A new permission is required to manage the Areas repository: Manage areas.

The show/hide areas feature is no longer relevant and has been removed. If you had hidden areas, following the upgrade they will reappear at the bottom of the Areas list. You can now simply delete them in the repository if you wish.

For a full description of the Areas repository, see Areas repository.

Work on multiple entities simultaneously

You can now work on more than one entity at a time!

Before, if you had two or more GDPR software tabs open and you changed the entity in one tab, the other tabs would automatically update to that entity.

Now, each tab is independent. Changing the entity on one tab has no effect on the other tabs, allowing you to work on several entities simultaneously.

Other improvements

Article 30: leaner summary and PDF

Sections of processing activities that are grayed (not required) in Article 30 mode have been removed from the processing summary and the PDF download if they are empty.

Import PIAs with documents

When you import a PIA with documents attached, the documents are added to both the PIA (in the Documents tab) and the document database.