Working with documents

This article provides a full description of how to handle documents in the GDPR software.

Table of contents


Documents play a central role in GDPR compliance. The GDPR software provides a comprehensive approach to document management, allowing you to easily add, categorize, link, unlink, delete and share documents.

Document management approach

The GDPR software comprises three interconnected levels for managing documents.


There are two basic ways to work with documents:

  • use the document database (level 1)

  • work via elements, e.g. processing activities (level 2), or documentable items (level 3).

The choice will mostly depend on your role in the entity, how your entity is organized, and your personal preferences.

This article describes both ways of working. Naturally you can switch easily and seamlessly between the two.

Working with the document database

The document database is the core of your documentation system. It’s where you’ll organize and store all the documents you need to support the information entered in the GDPR software. Documents can be added in the form of files, or via external links pointing to where the documents are located.

Once a file or external link is added, it can be linked to elements and documentable items.

When you replace or delete a document in the database, it impacts the elements or documentable items to which the documents are linked. For this reason, you will always be asked to confirm before replacing or deleting a document.


To work with the document database:

  1. In the sidebar, click Document database. The document database opens. The list of standard document categories is displayed.

Categories allow you to organize your documents so you can locate them easily. There are 2 sets of categories: Legal documents and Technical / Organizational documents. You can also create your own categories.

2. To choose where a new document will be stored, select Legal documents or Technical / Organizational documents, and then click a category. If you wish to create a new category, click the Add new category field, enter the name of the category, and click the Add button.

3. Click the Add document link. A window opens.

4. You have two options:

  • A) To add a document file, click the document area and select the file on your computer system, or drag the file into the box. The Document title field will be populated automatically with the file name. You can add a comment (optional).

Once a document has been added to the database, you cannot change its title. If you wish to use a different document title, change the file name before adding the document to the database.

  • B) To add an external link, click External link. In the Link field, enter the name of the external link where the document is located. In the Document title field, enter the name of the document, and add a comment (optional).

5. Click the Add document button. The document is added to the database.

6. To locate a document, click its category, or use the Search document field. The document is listed to the right.

7. To perform additional actions, click the document. The Document window opens.

You can perform the following actions:



Link a document to an element

Click the element (e.g. Associated processings) to expand the box. Then click the dropdown menu, select the element, and click Attach (the document now also appears in the element, e.g. the Status and documentation section of a processing activity).

Unlink a document from an element

Click the Remove link.

This does not delete the document from the database. It simply unlinks the document from the element.

Change the category

Click the Category field and select another category.

Download a document

Click the Download button.

Edit an external link

Click the Edit link button, enter the new address, and click Edit.

Update the comment

Click the “pencil” icon and enter or modify the comment.

Upload a new version of a document

This action replaces the document in all elements and items to which it is linked.

Click the Replace the file button, click Choose new file, select the file and click Confirm.

The document retains its original name, even if the uploaded file has a different name.

Delete a document

This action permanently deletes the document from the GDPR software and from all elements and items to which it is linked.

Click the recycle bin. If the document is linked to an element or a documentable item, a message informs you that it is being used.

Click Yes to confirm the deletion.


Subsidiaries cannot replace files, edit external links, change categories, or delete documents that were shared by a parent company. For more information, see Sharing documents with subsidiaries below.

Linking documents

Documents can be linked to elements, or to documentable items within elements.

Linking a document to an element

An “element” is a generic terms that covers processing activitiessoftwarethird parties, actions, data breaches, impact assessments (PIA), and project forms. To show how to link a document to an element, we’ll use the example of a processing activity.


To link a document to a processing activity:

  1. Open the processing activity and go to Status and documentation (see Creating Article 30-compliant processing).

2. Click the Add document link. A window opens.

3. Do one of the following:

  • If you are adding a new document that is not yet in the document database, complete the New document fields (see To work with the document database above). You must select a category. Then click Add document.

  • If you are adding a new external link that is not yet in the document database, click External link, and complete the fields see To work with the document database above). You must select a category. Then click Add document.

  • If the document is already in the document database, click Document database. Locate the document by clicking the Folder field and/or enter the document title in the Search for document fields. Once the document is displayed, click the Attach button (if the attach button is grayed it means the document is already linked to the element).

4. The document appears in the list of documents linked to the element.

When you add a new document to an element, it is also added to the document database. By clicking the name of the document, you can open the Document page in the document database and perform a number of actions (see To work with the document database above).


To link a document to another type of element:

The same basic approach used to link a document to a processing activity is followed for software, third parties, actions, data breaches, impact assessments, and projects. The following screenshots show where the Add document link is located in each type of element.

Linking a document to a documentable item

We saw above how to add a document to an element. In addition, in certain elements, you can add documents to specific items. They are called “documentable items”. Documentable items can be found in the Data Subject Rights section of a processing activity, and in the Content tab of software.

To show how to link a document to a documentable item, we’ll use the example of a Data subject rights item.


To link a document to a data subject rights item:

  1. Open the processing activity, go to Data subject rights and select an item (see Completing processing in Extended mode).

2. Click the Add document link and follow the same steps as for linking a document to an element (see Linking a document to an element above).

3. The document is shown as linked to the item.

  • It is also linked to the element (e.g. in the Status and documentation tab for a processing activity).

  • If the document is new, it is also added to the document database. 


To link a document to another type of documentable item:

The basic approach is the same for other types of documentable items. A documentable item on a software page is shown below.

Unlinking documents

Documents can be unlinked from elements and documentable items.

Unlinking a document does not delete it in the document database.

Unlinking a document from an element

To explain how to unlink a document from an element, we’ll use the example of a processing activity.


To unlink a document from a processing activity:

  1. Open the processing activity and go to Status and documentation (see Creating Article 30-compliant processing).

  2. In the list of documents, click the “unlink” icon.

3. In the message window, click Unlink.

If the document is linked to one or more documentable items in the processing activity, the message informs you. Unlinking the document from the element will unlink it from the documentable items in that processing activity as well.


To unlink a document from another type of element:

The procedure followed for a processing activity is basically the same for software, third parties, actions, data breaches, impact assessments, and projects. To locate the “unlink” icon in each element, see the screenshots in To link a document to another type of element above.

Unlinking a document from a documentable item

When you unlink a document from a documentable item, you decide whether you want to unlink the document from just that item, or from the entire element. To explain, we’ll use the example of a Data subject rights item in a processing activity.


To unlink a document from a data subject rights item:

  1. Open the processing activity and go to Data subject rights (see Completing processing in Extended mode).

2. Click the “unlink” icon of the document you want to unlink. A message window opens.

3. Do one of the following:

  • Select Unlink from item to unlink the document from the documentable item only.

  • Select Unlink from processing to unlink the document from the entire processing activity, i.e. the Status and documentation tab and any other documentable items. If the document is linked to other documentable items in the processing activity, a message will tell you how many.

4. Click the Unlink button.


To unlink a document from another type of documentable item:

The procedure is basically the same for other types of documentable items.

Sharing documents with subsidiaries

This feature only concerns parent companies and subsidiaries that have set up entity trees with Data Legal Drive administrators.

The features described in this section are designed to give parent companies full control over how they share documents with their subsidiaries. Basically, parent companies can:

  • Disable or enable document sharing by default

  • Override the default setting for individual documents

Default share setting

The default share setting allows a parent entity to determine whether or not it wishes to share its documents with its subsidiaries by default.

By default, the share setting is set to “share”. This means that when a document is added to a parent company, it will automatically and immediately appear in the document database of its subsidiaries, which can then link it to their own processing activities or other elements.

If you wish to change the default setting to “do not share”, contact DLD Support.

In your request, specify whether or not you want the change to apply retroactively to documents that were already shared. If you opt for the change to be retroactive, the documents in question will be removed from the processing activities and other elements to which they are linked in your subsidiaries' entities.

Likewise, if you ask DLD Support to switch back to “share”, specify whether you want sharing to apply retroactively to documents not shared up to that point.

New categories created by parent companies are automatically shared with their subsidiaries, regardless of the default share setting.

Overriding the default share setting

It is possible to override the default share setting for individual documents. For instance, as a general rule you may not wish to share documents with your subsidiaries, but there may be exceptions. Or you may wish to not share a document at the time it is added, but share it at a later time.


To override the default share setting:

1. In the sidebar, click Document database.

2. Locate the document by entering the document title in the Search document field, or click its category. The document appears to the right.

3. Click the document to open the Document window.

4. Click the Stop sharing with the subsidiaries or Share with the subsidiaries button (depends on the default sharing status).

If you stop sharing a document with your subsidiaries, and if that document was linked to a processing activity or other element in one or more subsidiaries, the document will be unlinked from that processing activity or other element. If you reactivate document sharing, the document will reappear in the document database of the subsidiary but the links will not be recreated.


5. A message is displayed, reminding you that subsidiaries may be using this document in their validated or archived processing activities. To confirm your choice, click Deactivate or Activate (depending on the current default sharing status).

Message displayed if sharing is currently enabled

Constraints for subsidiaries

For documents shared by parent companies, subsidiaries cannot:

  • replace document files

  • edit external links

  • change document categories

  • delete documents.

When a subsidiary entity opens a document page, the following message is displayed if the document was shared by a parent company: