What's new in version 6.14

It's back to school time! Don't wait any longer to discover our new features. On the program: a new template management mode (restricted mode), settings for automatic deletion of your requests to exercise rights, and much more...

These features will be available from Wednesday September 11, 2024 - 7pm


Processing Template - new restricted mode  

It is now possible to create a template in Restricted mode. This mode allows you to propose this template as a basis for processing, with the data entered under certain restrictions.

Opened mode versus Restricted mode

With this new version, you have two ways of creating your model:

  • Opened mode l : processing created in Opened mode is fully editable. Ideal for fast, efficient integration. The data entered can be adjusted according to the needs of the user entity.
  • Restricted mode : Restricted mode limits modifications to the information available in the model. Some fields will be locked and can only be modified in the template, while others will be considered as suggestions and remain modifiable by the user. 

The ability to set fields such as suggestions on a restricted mode template is not yet available. It will be available shortly.

Discovering the processing template management feature? To find out more, please take a closer look at this feature click here.

When you consult your template, the choice of management mode is displayed in the header area. Once the template has been created, it is not possible to modify the selected mode.

As with a model in Opened mode, you can activate the model's inheritance. This option remains available at all times when editing the model.

As a reminder, a model has a publication status. It can be in draft, published or archived status.

When a template is created, it is in draft status. It is not visible to users, so you can work on the model with complete peace of mind.

Once the template is ready for use, it can be published. You can then create a processing based on this template.

If a template is no longer required, you can set it to archived status. It will still be possible to republish it if required.

A new Model Data filter has also been added, enabling you to select models according to the management mode applied: Opened or Restricted.

Creating a processing from a template in restricted mode 

Once a restricted-mode template has been published, it can be used when creating a processing.

A locked icon will be available to easily locate restricted mode templates in the template list.

You can also add a Model data filter to sort the list of templates by mode: Opened or Restricted.

Once your processing has been created, fields pre-filled with template content cannot be modified. They will be grayed out for easy identification.

It will always be possible to include new elements, such as additional purposes, persons in charge, categories of persons, data categories, security measures, ... and so on.

These elements will always be visible in the processing, even after the template has been updated.

As a reminder, processing  created from a template are easy to identify:
  • From processings list :

  • From processing: 

Updating template and impact on existing processings

  • Template updating

Templates can be updated at any time. All template information can be modified: name, description, tags, inheritance and template content.

To update a template, you can use the Update action in the top right-hand corner, which will allow you to save the changes you have made.

Once a template has been modified, you have two options:

  • I decide not to save my changes, I can simply click on Restore published version. In this way, any changes made will not be saved, and the template will revert to its previous version.
  • If I wish to keep my changes, I confirm by clicking on Update. A new version of the template will then be available, containing all the changes you've made.

In the case of Opened mode templates, these modifications are not propagated to previously created processings. Only new processings will be based on the new data defined in the model. 

In the case of Restricted mode templates, the data entered in the template remains under the control of the template managers (fields entered in the template cannot be modified in processing). Changes made to a template can, in the case of restricted-mode templates, be applied to the processing created from it.

  • Updating processing in the use case of restricted mode template

For processing created from a model in Restricted mode, the fields preset in the template cannot be modified in the processing. Their modification is reserved for template managers (see above).

To allow template modifications to be tracked by processing users, a new Update section is available in the processing.

N.B.: this section only appears when the processing has been created from a model in Restricted mode.

In this version, updates to a template can only be applied from within the processing.

In a future version, we plan to give template managers the option of enforcing updates on all template-based processings.



Applying an update to processing

When an update is made to the template, an icon is displayed in the processing list to indicate that changes have been made to the template and can be approved in processing.

Updates are also visible in the Update section of the corresponding processing.

For each section of your processing, this section displays the various modifications made using the following color code:

  • In blue, changes made to previously filled-in fields
  • In green, information added
  • In red, information deleted

The Approve modifications action updates the processing by applying the changes made from the template. Processing is updated accordingly.

Modifications will not be applied to the processing until they have been approved by the drafter(s)/validator(s). 

Update approval rules and impact of update application on processing status

The users authorized to validate the processing update depend on the current processing status.

The processing status will also be adjusted once the update has been applied, in accordance with the following rules:

  • If a processing is in Being drafted: the drafter can approve the changes, and the processing remains in Being drafted status.
  • If a processing is Being validated: the validator can validate the modifications and the processing returns to the status Being drafted.
  • If a processing is Validated: the validator can approve the changes, and the processing returns to Being reviewed status.
  • If a processing is Validated: the validator can approve the changes, and the processing returns to Being reviewed status.
  • If a processing is in Review pending validation: the validator can validate the changes and the processing returns to Being reviewed status.

Requests to exercise rights - Setting automatic deletion of requests

In the configuration area for requests to exercise rights, you can now set the automatic deletion time for your requests.

This feature can be accessed via the Settings -> Automation menu.

By default, no time limit is set, which means that your exercise requests will not be deleted automatically. You will need to delete them manually if necessary.

 If you want, you can define the automatic deletion delay (in days, months or years) you would like to apply.
This delay will take effect from the moment your request for the exercise of rights is archived.

Please note that by activating this setting, all requests for which the time limit has been exceeded will be immediately deleted. This action is definitive and irreversible. A message will inform you of the number of requests affected by this deletion, according to the time limit set in days, months or years.

You can always adjust the automatic deletion delay at a later date, but once the data has been deleted, it cannot be recovered.


Processings - Contacts and department interaction

In this new version, we continue to enhance the user experience to make it easier for you to use processing part.

You can now access information on the contacts and services associated with your processing directly from the Recipients (Internal) and Identification pages, without being redirected to the repository.

Clicking on the “info” icon opens a window giving access to contact and/or service information.

You can stay focused on creating or consulting your processing while easily accessing the corresponding repository via the link at the top of the window. This feature allows you to be more efficient in your work by having access to key information with a single click.

The window for adding an internal recipient has also been redesigned, using our new rules for design and user interaction.


Correctives actions taken

[Processing] unavailability to duplicate a processing 

A problem caused a processing not to be duplicated in certain cases. This issue has been corrected in this version.