What's new in version 6.10

A new version with many new features. Discover our new processing template management system and the availability of a multi-entities view of your actions.

These features will be available from Wenesday July 10, 2024 - 7pm


Processing templates

We are delighted to present our new processing templates management system, available in this new version.

From now on, you will be able to create your own processing templates, which will save you time, avoid repetitive data entry, and also enable you to share your template with other entities so that they can benefit from it.

Our Experts provide you with a range of templates, designed by Data Legal Drive, to help you get your compliance process off to an optimum start. These templates are organized according to your business sector and fields of application.

Create and manage your own templates

 new processing module configuration area has been integrated, allowing you to manage your template library. This new configuration space will evolve progressively as new functionalities are added.

You must have "Configure Processing Module" permission to manage this library.

The "cogwheel" icon to the right of the "Add processing" button takes you to the module's configuration area.

By accessing this area, you can create, edit, duplicate and delete templates.

Template list

The template list lets you view all the templates created by your entity. This list view can be filtered according to several criteria, which you can combine. A search bar also enables you to make a more precise search.

For each template, you can find various information: template name, domain, tag, whether inheritance is enabled, status, update date.

Template creation

"Create a template" button opens a window where you can enter the template information:

  • Template name - mandatory field
  • Domain - mandatory field
  • Description - this field will be visible when a treatment is created, and allows you to enter a short description of the template.
  • Tags - this field lets you categorize the model; tags are displayed in the list view and also when a treatment is created.
  • Template data: free or restricted mode 

In this version, only the free mode is available. The restricted mode will be available in a later version.

  • Type : RT or ST
  • Mode : Art. 30 or Extended

You can then decide to activate the template's inheritance. You can also do so at any time by editing the template.

Once you've completed this step, you'll be taken to a form similar to the one you're familiar with for processing. The information you enter for your template will be automatically saved. You can choose to fill in only the fields you wish to distribute through the template.

You can also add documents to the template.

Once created, the template will be visible in the template list.

Processing templates use the new version of the Processing data section. The creation of a processing from a template will also use this new format. 

As a reminder, the old version of the Data section will be decommissioned at the end of September 2024. All your processes will automatically switch to the new version from that date.

Free Mode versus Restricted Mode

The distinction between Free mode and Restricted mode lies in the way in which the processing information created from a template is linked to that of the template.

Models created in Free mode offer flexible use of the information made available in the template.

This means that the user who creates a processing from a model available in free mode will have full latitude to modify the information made available to him. The data provided can be considered as examples on which the user can base his own processing.

Conversely, the Restricted mode, when available, will limit the scope of modification of the information made available in the template. Some information will be non-editable (blocked fields) and can only be updated from within the model, while other information will be considered as suggestions and will remain editable by the user. 

Template update

Templates can be updated at any time. All template information can be modified: name, description, tags, inheritance and template content. To update a template, a button is available in the top right-hand corner, allowing you to save the changes you have made.

In Free mode, when a published template is updated, new processing created after the update will take into account the latest modifications. Previously created templates will not be automatically updated.

Template status

Templates are assigned three statuses: draft, published and archived.

When a template is created, it is in draft status. It is not visible to users, allowing you to work on the template in peace.

Once the template is ready for use, you can change its status to published. You can then create a treatment based on this template.

If a template is no longer required, you can set it to archived status. It will still be possible to republish it if required.

Duplicate and Delete a model

Duplicating a template will create a copy of that template in your entity.

This allows you to create a new template from an existing one, avoiding the need to re-enter information.You can also delete a template, either individually or en masse. 
In the event of deletion, the template can no longer be used by your entity or by your child entities (if inheritance has been activated).

Create a template from a processing

A new feature has been added to processings, enabling you to quickly create a template from an existing processing. If you feel that a processing you've already created could serve as the basis for a template, simply click on "Create template". You will then be taken to the template creation form, with the treatment information pre-filled in.

You must have the "Configure processing module" permission to use this new action from within a process.

Create a processing from a template

When creating a processing, it is now possible to select the "from a template" option. This will allow you to view the templates published by your entity, as well as those you have inherited.

By choosing a template, you can preview the main details of your processing, such as the purposes, categories of persons and data concerned.

After validation, the processing will be created according to the selected template.

A processing  created using the template is easily identified in the list by the following pictogram:

The Data Legal Drive template library

Our Data Legal Drive template library is now visible when creating a processing. Our Experts have carefully reworked the templates to enable you to quickly get started with your RGPD compliance.

Our library offers a wide selection of templates, enabling us to offer you an exhaustive list to facilitate the creation of your processings. Data Legal Drive templates are organized by category, and you can choose to activate the categories that interest you. For example, you'll find categories such as Transverse Record, Standard, Insurance, Health, etc.

You have control over the activation of our categories, allowing you to use only those templates that are relevant to you. The Data Legal Drive Templates tab in the configuration area lets you view the categories activated by our experts.

You can also deactivate them as required. 

Once the category has been activated, the corresponding templates will be available when creating a processing. You can then use the Origin filter to sort models from Data Legal Drive.


Actions - Multi-entities view

In this new version, your actions module is now available in multi-entity mode.

A brand-new "Entity" filter has been added to the list of your actions. By default, this filter is restricted to your current entity, but depending on your permissions, you can select other entities to broaden the list of your actions.

The entity to which each action belongs is clearly indicated in the list and in the action consultation window.


Corrective actions taken

[Menu] - Sanctions map

Following the arrival of the new menu, it was impossible to access the CNIL sanctions map from within the application.This issue has been corrected in this version.

[Processing] - affected department

A malfunction was causing all treatments to be displayed to users, regardless of the department they were assigned to.  This issue has been corrected in this version. 

[Anticorruption] - Third party modification

Modifying a third party returned an error. Modified fields were not saved. This issue has been corrected in this version. 

[Actions] - Action's list view 

The display of action labels in the list has been optimized following the observation of truncated labels in the case of a line break.