February 2021 release

New Features

SSO support for new protocols

Single-Sign On (SSO) now offers full support for the following protocols:

And if you need help implementing any of these protocols, raise a request!

SSO is a paid feature. If you’re interested, please contact Data Legal Drive for a quote.

Processing end date: get a reminder

To simplify processing compliance, the validator will receive a reminder email one week before the End date of the processing activity (if the processing is still being drafted, the drafter receives the email).

The end date represents the date that the processing is normally scheduled to end. The reminder allows you to check in advance whether it will actually end, and to adjust the date if necessary.

Requests from data subjects: add information on person acting on behalf

To improve data completeness, the Requests from data subjects page allows you to enter the details of a person or entity making a request on behalf of another person – who is the actual data subject. In this case, select Acting on behalf and enter the details of both the acting person/entity and the data subject.

A dropdown menu allows you to select the acting person/entity’s relationship with the data subject. For example, if the acting person is a mother filing a request for her child, select Parent.

Cross-border flows: select EEA countries that are non-EU

Three countries - Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway - are part of the European Economic Area (EEA) but are not EU members. If a processing activity involves cross-border flows to one of these three countries, in the Appropriate safeguard dropdown menu, you can now select EEA country under GDPR (Processing > Select a processing activity > Cross-border flow).


Document display redesigned

The Document database page and the processing documents area have been redesigned to improve visibility. Instead of a box for each document, they are now displayed as a list, taking up less screen space and increasing clarity.

If you have documents that were added before November 2019, they will be grouped together in a single folder without a category. To assign a category to each of these documents, view the procedure.

Enhanced record reading comfort

To avoid displaying lengthy register items that can take up half your screen or more, each item in the table is now a fixed length. Information in excess of this length fades after three lines. To view the remaining information, just hover a cell with your mouse and view the pop-up!

Permissions page more practical to use

Permissions are now displayed by profile instead of by permission category. The categories have also been reworked.

  1. At the top of the page, select a profile from the dropdown menu.

  2. View the corresponding permissions in each category and update if required.

  3. To scroll the page, use the list of categories on the right of the screen.

For the detailed procedure, see Personalizing profile permissions.

Data typology page redesigned

The data typology page has been reworked to improve visibility and facilitate data entry (Processing > Select a processing activity > Data > Typology).