Assign users and processing activities to a division

When you assign a user to a division, it means giving them access to the processing activities assigned to that division.

To dissociate and remove a division from all its link users and processing activities, click the green button in the list of divisions.


Table of contents


The View all processing in all divisions permission allows a user to access all processing activities without assigning them to a division.

Assign users to a division

You need to assign a user to one or several divisions to let them access them. But, you don't need to assign a user to a division to select them as a drafter or validator of a processing activity.


To assign users to a division:

  1. In the sidebar, click Entity Divisions.

    Access Entity - Divisions

  2. On the Divisions page, click the division to which you wish to assign the users.
     Assigned users tab opens.

  3. From the drop-down menu called "Assign user", select a user.

Page - Divisions - Assign user

The assignment of a user to a division is only effective for the current entity. To assign a user to the same division name in a different entity, go to this entity and perform this procedure.

Unassign a user from a division

This procedure only covers the dissociation of users from a division. To dissociate and remove a division from all its link users and processing activities, click the green button in the list of divisions.

  1. In the sidebar, click Entity Divisions.
  2. On the Divisions page, click the division to which you wish to unassign the users.
    The list of Assigned users appears.
  3. To unassign a user, click the unlink icon.

Page - Divisions - Unassign user

View all assigned divisions

  1. In the sidebar, click Entity User access.

  2. On the User access page, click a user’s name.
    All their assigned divisions are shown in the Information tab.

Entity - User access

Assign processing activities

You can assign one or several processing activities to a division. To do so:

  1. In the sidebar, click Entity Divisions.

  2. On the Divisions page, click the division you wish to assign processing activities to.

  3. Click the Related processing tab.

  4. Click the Assign processing dropdown menu.
    The processing activities appear. They are arranged by Data Processor (DP) / Data Controller (DC) and by area.

Page - Divisions - Assign processing activities

The assignment of a processing activity to a division is only effective for the current entity. To assign a processing activity to the same division name in a different entity, go to this entity and perform this procedure.

Unassign a processing activity

This procedure only covers the dissociation of processing activities from a division. To dissociate and remove a division from all its link users and processing activities, click the green button in the list of divisions.

  1. In the sidebar, click Entity Divisions.
  2. On the Divisions page, click the division to which you want to unassign a processing activity.
  3. In the right window, click the Related processing tab.
  4. To unassign a processing activity, click the unlink icon.

Page - Divisions - Unassign processing activities

The Activated box shows whether each processing activity is activated. Processing activities provided by default are not activated by default. To activate them, go to the Processing page and click the Activate button.