What's new in version 6.11

This new version completes our actions module with the ability to create and manage your own action plans. Discover it now!

These features will be available from Monday July 22, 2024 - 7pm


Actions module - Action Plans

In this new version, we have enhanced our Actions module by offering the possibility of customizing your action plans to be implemented on the various elements of the application.

Create and manage your action plans

You can manage your action plans in the action configuration area (via the cogwheel in the action list).

You must have “Action module configuration” permission to access it. 

Configuration access

When accessing the action module configuration interface, a new “Action plan” section is available in the menu:

This section shows you all the action plans already created for your entity. By unfolding an action plan, you can view all the actions that make up the action plan.

Action plans creation

In the configuration part, you can create and manage your own action plans, which your users can then apply to the various elements of the application.

Click on “Create a plan” to add a new type of action plan.
You will then be able to define the main information of your plan:

  • Its name
  • The module to which it applies:

The module to which the plan applies enables you to determine the element to which you can link your action plan (a processing, a data subject request, etc.)

  • Its description
  • Its purpose
  • Associated Tag(s)

Add actions to an action plan

Once you have created your action plan, you can complete it with a set of actions by clicking on the “Create an action” button.

A dialog box allows you to set the main properties of your action and define :

  • The action name
  • Managers and Observers
  • Priority and Importance
  • Action description
  • Associated tag(s)
  • Action planning informations

Assignment of Managers and Observers

Depending on the module selected in the configuration of your action plan, you can define Managers or Observers as either predefined persons, or predefined persons and/or persons responsible for the item to which the action plan will be applied.

For example, in the screen below, our action plan can be applied to processings. When applying this plan to a processing, the people responsible for the action will be the editors of this processing, as well as a predefined person, and the observers will be the validators of the processing.

Updating an action plan from within the Actions module configuration 

The action plans available in the configuration area can be updated at any time.

Changes will be taken into account for future applications of the action plan on an application item, without affecting previous instances of this plan.

For example, if you delete an action from a plan, this deletion will be applied to all new applications of this plan on an element. However, previous applications will retain this action in the tasks to be carried out to ensure proper execution of the plan on the element concerned.

Similarly, deleting an action plan will make it impossible to apply it to new elements. Previously created instances will remain active.

Apply an action plan

Once action plans have been created in the Actions module configuration, users can apply them from the various sections of the application.

Applying an action plan is based on the same principle as applying an action. So, as soon as a user is able to apply an action, he or she will also be able to do so with an action plan.

From action list view

From the action list, when adding an action, you now have the choice between creating an individual action or applying an action plan.

If you choose to apply an action plan, you will have access to the full list of available plans.

You can use the available filters to search for the desired action plan (text search, module, predefined tags).

Once you've selected an action plan, you'll be asked to :

  • Define the name of the action plan instance (to make it easier to find later)
  • Specify the element to which you wish to apply the action plan
  • Complete, if necessary, the responsibilities of the various actions that make up the plan

Once validated, the action plan is applied. The various actions in the plan are created and linked to the plan instance. Each manager/observer is notified of the actions that concern him/her.

From an item

In the same way, you can apply an action plan directly from an item in the application. This could be a processing, a data subject request, a violation, an item in your repositories, or any other item on which you can currently create an action. 

In this case, only the action plans applicable to the item are proposed.

Once you have selected the action plan you wish to apply, you will be directed to the second parameter-setting stage before implementing your plan.

Only the wording of the instance and any changes to the persons responsible are required at this stage, as the element to which the plan will be applied is already known in this application mode.

View an action plan

The application of an action plan enables you to implement the various actions of the plan on an element of the application. To easily find these actions and track the progress of your action plans, we have implemented various mechanisms 

  • From actions list view

A new filter allows you to search for actions associated with an instance of an action plan.

This filter is also available from the Kanban view.

We recommend that you give your action plan instances proper names when applying them, so that you can easily find them in your various views.

When an action is associated with an action plan instance, this information is included in the various views.

  • Actions list view

  • Kanban view

From an action

 When you consult the details of an action associated with an action plan, you are given additional information specifying the instance of the plan to which this action is linked:

By clicking on the instance, a new window will open to allow you to consult the progress of your action plan:

From an item

When the plan is set up for an item (such as a processing, a data subject request, etc.), the actions in the action plan are accessible in the section dedicated to actions for the item in question. They are grouped under the corresponding action plan instance:


Corrective actions taken

[Directions] Impossible to attach a processing to a direction

A problem prevented the attachment of a treatment to a direction. This issue has been corrected in this version. 

[ Processing ] - Add lifecycle information for a data category

In the new version of the Processing data section, an anomaly led to the deletion of a data category's lifecycle information when a new element was added.  This issue has been corrected in this version.