Managing documents

Documents play a central role in risk management by allowing you to demonstrate compliance with the Sapin 2 anti-corruption law.

DLD Anti-corruption offers a complete system for managing your documents. You can add documents to the resource database, categorize them, add them to a risk, remove them, or permanently delete them.

This article explains all the features for managing your documents.


Table of contents

Adding documents

There are several ways to add documents to DLD Anti-corruption:

  • You can add documents to a specific risk;
  • You can add documents to your AFA questionnaire or code of conduct;
  • You can add documents to the resource database. Once in the database, documents can be added to risks, the AFA questionnaire, or the code of conduct. 

Coming soon: in the current version of the software you cannot retrieve a document that was added to the resource database. Until this feature becomes available, we recommend that you add your documents directly to the risks, AFA questionnaires, or  codes of conduct.

Adding a document to a risk

When you add a document to a risk, it is automatically added to the resource database.

To add a document to a risk:

  1. In the sidebar, click Risk mapping.
  2. Click on the risk to open it.
  3. Click one of the sections in the left-hand menu (e.g. Scenario).

  4. Next to a question, click the Attach a document link.

5. In the Add document dialog box you have two options:

  • Add a document as a file (New document): Click the document box and select a file from your computer (you can click & drag the file to the box). The Document name field is automatically populated with the name of the document. Then click the Category field and select the folder where you want to store the document. You can also add a comment.

To create new categories you must go to the resource database. See Adding a document to the resource database below.

Once a document has been added you can no longer change its name. If you wish to give it a different name, rename the file before adding it.

  • Add a document as an external link: Click External link, then click the Category field and select the folder where you want to store the document. In the External link field, enter the URL where the document is located. In the Document name field, enter the name of the document.

6. Click the Add the document button. The document is added to the risk. It is also added to the resource database.


You can remove the document from the question by clicking the "x". If the document is attached to other questions in this risk, or to other risks, it will not be removed from those other questions or risks.

Adding a document to the AFA questionnaire or code of conduct

Same approach as for adding a document to a risk (above).

You can also see the Code of conduct and AFA questionnaire  articles.

Adding a document to the resource database

You can add documents to the resource database. However, in the current version of this software it is not possible to retrieve them. Until this feature becomes available, we recommend that you add your documents directly to the risks, AFA questionnaires, or codes of conduct.

To add a document to the resource database:

  1. In the sidebar, click Resources.

  2. To select the folder where you want to store the document, click the folder, and then the subfolder (e.g. Process > Third party assessment).


To create a new category, enter a name in the Add new category field and click Add.


3. Click the Add document button.

4. In the Add document dialog box you have two options:

  • Add a document as a file (New document): Click the document box and select a file from your computer (you can click & drag the file to the box). The Document name field is automatically populated with the name of the document. You can also add a comment. 

The Category field is already populated with the category chosen in the previous step, but you can change it.


Once a document has been added you can no longer change its name. If you wish to give it a different name, rename the file before adding it.

  • Add a document as an external link: Click External link. In the External link field, enter the URL where the document is located. In the Document name field, enter the name of the document.


5. Click the Add the document button. The document is added to the resource database, in the category selected.


There are two "..." icons on this page:

  • The icon on the line of the document allows you to delete the document. If the document is attached to a risk, AFA questionnaire or code of conduct it will also be removed from these items. The icon also allows you to download the document.
  • The icon at the top of the page allows you to delete the category. In this case, all the documents in that category will be deleted from the resource database, and therefore also from any items it is attached to (risks, etc.).