Creating a risk

This article explains how to create and describe a risk in DLD Anti-corruption.

Table of contents

Creating a new risk

To create a risk:

1. To create a new risk, in the sidebar, click Risk mapping.

The list of existing risks is displayed. A set of filters allows you to run searches.

2. Click the Add risk button.
3. In the Add risk dialog box:
  • enter Name of risk

  • click the Drafters field and select one more drafters from the dropdown list
  • do the same thing for Validators 

To find out more about what drafters and validators do, see the article Risk workflow.


4. Click the Create and start editing button. The risk form opens.

If you wish to first create multiple risks and complete them later, click the Create and stay on page button.

Completing a risk form

The risk form is questionnaire with 8 sections designed to help you describe every aspect of a risk.


Good to know

  • Aside from the Drafters and Validators fields, no fields are required.
  • You can complete the sections in any order.

  • Entries are saved automatically.


To complete a risk form:

1. In the Information section, you can add Drafters or Validators in addition to those selected when you created the risk. You can also remove them, but you must always have at least one drafter and one validator.

2. In Departments and contacts you can indicate the departments or persons to be contacted in the entity. The contacts should be qualified to answer questions relating to the risk. You have two options:

  • to select a department without selecting a specific person, click the Select department button. You then have two choices: if there are existing departments, you can select one or more departments from the list by toggling the switch to blue. You can also create a new department by clicking the Create department button and completing the information in the Create department dialog box.

  • to select a specific person, click the Select contact button. You then have two choices: if there are existing contacts, you can select one or more contacts from the list by toggling the switch to blue. You can also create a new contact by clicking the Create contact button and completing the information in the Create contact dialog box. 

When you create a contact, they must be assigned to a department. When you then add the contact to a risk, the department to which they are assigned is also added to the risk.


The departments and contacts added are displayed in a list.

 3. In the Scenario, Sectors, Operations, Third-parties and History sections:
  • Use the text fields available under many of the questions to provide detailed information.
  • The Attach a document button allows you to add documents to each reply. When you do this, the documents are also added to the resource database. To find out more, see Managing documents.

  • In the current version, entries are manual. In the fields with a "filter" icon, once you have typed an entry you can save it by clicking the Add entry button.

The entry will be proposed the next time you create a risk. For example, in the Scenario section, when you save a reply for Types of third parties concerned, the reply will be suggested in that field each time you create a new risk. This allows you to build up a personalized list of entries.

Coming soon: in addition to the text fields, each field will provide a number of suggestions.


4. In the Impact section, for each question, select one of the 4 choices: Minor, Moderate, Significant or High (you can also attach documents). The short explanations to the right are designed to help you make your choices. Then, based on your answers, determine the Gross impact assessment at the bottom of the page.

The questions are provided to guide you in your assessment of the risk. When assessing the gross impact, you are not required to choose the "strict average" of the answers given. For example, if you select "Minor" for most of the questions, but "Significant" for a single question that is crucial relative to the concerned risk, you can select "Significant" as your gross impact assessment.


5. Complete the Probability section as you did for the Impact section above.

When you have completed the risk form, you can go to the next step by clicking the Manage risk button. See Mitigating a risk.