Compliance team

The Compliance Team page allows you to list and organize all the players involved in your anti-corruption strategy in one place.

What is a compliance team?

A compliance team consists of 4 sets of actors:

  • Management, which is in charge of approving and monitoring the anti-corruption program.

  • The Compliance team, which is in charge of leading the entity's anti-corruption program.

  • The Departments, divisions or teams involved in the operational aspects of the anti-corruption program.

  • External consultants, which are external partners involved in the compliance program, such as law firms.

Establishing the compliance team

To establish the compliance team, you simply add contacts to each set of actors.

To establish the compliance team:

  1. In the sidebar, click Compliance team.

  2. In one of the sets of actors, e.g. Management, click Add.


3. In the Select contact dialog box you have two options:

  • To select an existing contact, toggle the switch to blue. You can select several contacts. You can use the Search for contact field to find a contact.
  • To create a new contact: 1) Click the Create contact button. 2) Select a Department from the dropdown menu, or click Create department. 3) Enter the contact's information and click Create.


4. Click the Add button. The contacts are added to that set of actors. You can remove a contact by clicking the "x".


5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for each set of actors.