August 2021 release

It’s all about repositories!

We’ve worked hard to bring you a number of improvements in this new repository-centric release.

Dedicated repository menu

We’ve moved all the repositories into a single menu, called… Repositories. What’s new in the menu?

Two newcomers

The Departments Contacts repositories (find out more below).

Terminology change

The term “Partners” has been changed to the broader term “Third parties”.

New permissions for complete control over repository management

Repository permissions management has been improved. In the former version, if you could read a repository, you could also edit it. Now, the Permissions page contains 4 new permissions that grant users the right to create, edit and delete repository items. Users without these permissions have read-only access, meaning they can only view them and add them to elements such as processing activities.

Since the Contacts and Departments repositories are interconnected, they are covered by a single permission.

Two new repositories: Contacts & Departments

Two new repositories are going to make your life a whole lot easier when creating processing activities:

  • Departments, which are the actual departments of your organization ;

  • Contacts, which are the employees of your organization, who each belong to one of the departments.

With these two repositories, you no longer need to type in the details each time you add a department/person in charge of a processing activity, or an external recipient. Just click and select one from the repository!

Continue reading to find out more.

For the complete article, see Departments and Contacts repositories.

Create contacts & departments

In this version of the software, contacts and departments can be added to the repositories individually. Bulk-importing will be available in a future release.

When you create a contact you also assign them to a department. You can then filter them by department.

The new “Manage contacts and departments” permission must be enabled to add, edit or replace contacts and departments.

Edit or replace contacts & departments

Departments and contacts can be edited at any time. You can also replace a department or contact with another existing department or contact. For example, if an employee leaves your organization or changes positions, you can easily replace the person with another contact in the repository. All processing activities containing the contact are updated automatically!

Add contacts & departments to processing activities

It's now easy to add contacts and departments to the Identification and Recipients sections of a processing activity.

Identification section

In this section, select the department or person to contact in your organization that is qualified to answer questions concerning the processing activity.

Recipient section

In this section, select the data recipients in your organization for each processing activity.

Add a department

To add a department to a processing activity without naming a specific contact, select the department.

Add a contact

To add a specific contact to a processing activity, click the Contact button and select the contact. The contact will be added, along with their department.

Migration of existing contacts and departments

Contacts and departments used in processing activities in former versions of the software will be automatically added to the new repositories.

Contacts that were added to a processing activity without a department will be placed in a virtual department called To sort. To assign departments to these contacts, open the To sort folder, select each contact, click the Edit button, and select a department.

If the same contact or department was used in several processing activities with slightly different parameters, a contact or department will be created for each one. For example, if the contact Benny Ripken had two different positions in two different processing activities, or two different email addresses, when the contacts are migrated to the new Contacts repository, two contacts named Benny Ripken will be created. To merge the two, use the “replace” feature. For information on this feature, see Departments and Contacts repositories.

In some cases, after the migration, the names of the four standard departments in the former Recipients tab may appear in French. In this case, simply change the names back as follows:

  • Direction générale -> General Management

  • Direction des ressources humaines -> Human Resources Department

  • Direction juridique -> Legal Department

  • Informatique -> IT

Use the Edit button to change the department name. For more information, see Departments and Contacts repositories.

Repository imports: update items and run file checks

Bulk-importing of software and third-party repositories offers a number of improvements:

  • Update existing repository items: Just download the repository, make the changes to the Excel file, and re-import it. This is possible because the exported and imported files now have the exact same format.

  • Expanded import templates: The import template format has been simplified: all software and third parties are now in a single tab. In addition, both templates have been expanded to include all the fields available in the software. Once you’ve imported a complete template, the job is done!

  • English version: The software import template is now available in English.

  • Check your Excel file for errors: The content of your Excel file is automatically checked when you import it. Errors are clearly identified, located and explained, making it easy to fix the file and upload it again.

To find out more about importing and updating repositories, see Software repository or Third parties repository.

New software repository field

A new field has been added to the Identification tab of the software repository: Country hosting the data. It contains a dropdown menu for selecting the host country.


Changing entities made easy

A new entity selector makes it easy to find and switch between entities. Features include:

  • Entity search field

  • Bookmarking to keep frequently used entities at top of list

  • 5 entities per page with pagination

Notifications page redesigned

A number of improvements have been made to the notifications page. In addition to the visual makeover, you can now:

  • Sort columns

  • Mark as read

  • Click a notification to go directly to the page concerned by the action

  • Display all entities simultaneously

Processing name changes facilitated

You no longer have to return to the list of processing activities to change a name. You can do it directly in the processing activity (if you have the required permission).