April 2021 release

New Features

IMPORTANT: A number of fields have been added to the Controller processing sections to allow you to generate more complete processing records. Some of these fields are required to obtain 100% completion in Extended mode. Naturally, these fields will initially be empty.

This means that when the new software version goes live, Controller processing activities that had a 100% completion percentage in Extended mode will now only have a completion percentage of roughly 80%.

To return to a 100% completion percentage, the new required fields must be completed.

None of the new fields are required for Article 30-compliance, so they have no impact on your Article 30 completion percentages.

New controller processing fields

New fields have been added to the controller’s Purposes and Data sections, and an entire new section, Data subject rights, has been created.

To return to 100% completion in Extended mode you must do the following:

  • In the Data section, Nature tab, answer the 3 required questions

  • In the Data subject rights section, select at least 1 item in each tab

For a complete description, please read on!


In the Data section, under the Nature tab, four new questions have been added under the heading Interconnections, use of technology and impact.

Of these 4 new questions, 3 are required to obtain a completion percentage of 100% in Extended mode.

  • Approximate number of data subjects: the approximate number of persons whose data will be processed by this processing activity.

  • Is the data interconnected with other filing systems?: if you answer Yes…, you must also answer the two related questions that are displayed.

  • Does the processing have an impact on employees or agents?: If you answer Yes, you must indicate the date the employee representative bodies were consulted, and add the 2 documents requested concerning this consultation.

To reach 100% in Extended mode, you must answer these 3 questions and all related sub-questions.

New: Data subject rights

The new Data subject rights section contains three tabs that allow you to provide information on data subjects and their rights regarding the processing activity in question. Descriptive text and supporting documents can be added to each individual item.

In the first tab, Exercisable rights, select at least one right that data subjects can exercise.

In the Measures taken tab, select at least one measure taken to inform data subjects of their rights.

In the Contact channels tab, select at least one way that data subjects can exercise their rights.

To reach 100% in Extended mode, you must select at least 1 item in each of the 3 tabs, i.e. a minimum of 3 items total. Descriptive text and documents are not required.


In the Purposes section, text fields have been added to every legal basis that did not already have one. Completing these new text fields is not required in Extended mode.

In the previous version of the GDPR software, only two legal bases – “Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation” and “Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party” – had a text field. These text fields continue to be required.

To find out more about achieving a 100% completion percentage, see Completing processing in Extended mode.

Add documents to specific items

In previous versions of the GDPR software, you could add documents to:

  • a processing activity, via the Status and documentation section

  • software, using the Link tab.

With this new release, you can also add documents to specific items in a processing activity or software. For example, in the new Data subject rights section, you can add a document to a single Exercisable rights item, in this case to Access.

Let’s see what happens when you add or unlink a document.

Adding a document to an item

When you add a document to an item, it is automatically added to both:

  • the Status and documentation section (for processing) or the Link tab (for software)

  • the Document database.

For a processing activity, you can add the same document to several items (for software, only one item currently allows you to add a document).

Unlinking a document from an item

When you unlink a document from an item, a pop-up gives you two choices:

  • Unlink from item: allows you to unlink the document from just the item.

  • Unlink from processing: allows you to unlink the document from the entire processing activity, i.e. all items in the processing activity as well as the Status and documentation section. If the document is linked to other items in the same processing activity, the pop-up will let you know.

Unlinking a document from the Status and documentation section

When you unlink a document from the Status and documentation section, a pop-up warns you if the document is linked to at least one item in that processing activity.

Unlinking documents from items, processing activities or software does not remove the document from the Document database.

Cross-border flows: a global view

In the Analytics page (in Management), you can now get a global view of cross-border flows generated by your entity using the Cross-border flows map.

  • Use the color code to understand worldwide cross-border flows at a glance

  • For greater precision, hover the mouse over a country and view the exact number of flows

Document sharing with subsidiaries

This feature only concerns parent companies and subsidiaries that have set up entity trees with Data Legal Drive administrators.

The document sharing functionality between parent companies and subsidiaries has been enhanced to offer more control over the way documents are shared.

Key features:

  • Enable or disable document sharing by default

  • Override the default setting for individual documents

  • Warning messages when deleting or modifying shared documents

Default sharing setting

The default sharing setting allows administrators to determine whether a document is shared or not shared with its subsidiaries when it is added to a parent entity.

  • By default, the setting is “share”.

  • To change the default setting to “do not share”, contact DLD Support.

Overriding the default setting

This feature allows you to override the default setting for individual documents. For instance, as a general rule you may not wish to share documents with your subsidiaries, except for a few specific documents. You may also wish to not share a document when it is added, but then share it at a later time.

To override the default setting:

  1. Enable the permission “Change sharing status of a document” on the Permissions page (Document database category). This new permission is disabled by default.

2. In Document database, click the document whose sharing status you wish to change. The Document page opens.

3. Click the Stop sharing with the subsidiaries/Share with the subsidiaries button (the wording depends on the default sharing status).

4. A message is displayed, reminding you that subsidiaries may be using this document in their validated or archived processing activities. To confirm your choice, click Deactivate/Activate (depends on current default sharing status).

Message displayed if sharing is activated

Improved messages

  • The user messages displayed at document replacement and deletion have been made more explicit.

  • When a subsidiary user clicks on a document that was added to the documentation database by a parent company, a new, clearer message is displayed explaining why they cannot delete or modify the document.


New fields

Software: new Content question

A new question, “Does the software include text entry fields?”, has been added to the Software page, in the Content tab.

If you answer Yes, you must also answer the sub-questions and add the requested document.

Completing these new fields is not required for Article 30 compliance, or in Extended mode.

Impact Assessment: text fields

Text fields have been added to the Impact Assessment page.

Completing these new fields is not required for Article 30 compliance, or in Extended mode.