What's new in version 6.19

Apply modifications to your restricted templates directly to the associated processing, deploy new processing directly from your templates and discover the new processing impact analysis section.

These features will be available from Thursday December 5th, 2024 - 19h00


Processing templates

Restricted mode - Processing updates


With this release, we have extended the options for updating your restricted template processing.

Until now, any update made from your restricted template required the intervention and validation of the person responsible for each processing.

We have now added an option enabling the template manager to apply these updates directly to the associated processing.

So when you apply an update to your template, you now have 2 options:

  • Do not apply modifications :

Corresponding to current usage. Modifications are indicated to the person(s) in charge of Processing, who are responsible for examining them and deciding whether or not to apply them. (for further information, click here). 

Each processing manager will be notified when a modification requires his or her approval.

In addition, it is possible to filter, from the processing list, those which contain modifications awaiting approval:

  • Apply modifications :

Modifications will be applied automatically to the processing associated with the template. Depending on the current status of each processing, the application of modifications may have various consequences on the processing associated with the template (please see table below).

Notification will also be sent to Editors and/or Validators, depending on the original status of the processing:

Processing status at time of update

New status after update

Notification sent to

Being drafted Being drafted Drafters
Being validated --> Being drafted Validators
Validated --> Being reviewed Validators
Being reviewed Being reviewed Drafters& Validators
Review pending validation --> Being reviewed



Processing managers will be able to consult changes made to the template in the Updates section:

Processing managers can confirm that they are aware of the changes by clicking on the following button:


List of processing associated with a template

A new tab has been integrated into the template to improve visibility of the processing associated with or created from a template. This tab allows you to easily consult the list of processing associated with a model.

Each processing is accompanied by essential information, including its name, the entity concerned, the field of application, its current status and the status of the processing in relation to recent updates made to the template.

In addition, several filters are available to facilitate the search for specific processing.

Deploy processing from a template

From the list of processings associated with your template, and provided that your template's inheritance is enabled, you'll be able to directly deploy processings on these entities from your template.

By selecting the Deploy action, a window will open allowing you to define the entity and domain on which your processing will be deployed, as well as the editors and validators associated with this processing.

The processing thus created will be added to the selected entity's register. 

Processing - New version of the Impact analysis section

Over the past few weeks, we have carried out a complete overhaul of our processing Impact Analysis section, bringing it into line with our latest advances in ergonomics and user experience.

As part of this update, we have also incorporated your feedback, enabling us to enrich this section with new functionalities.

To sum up, here are the main changes:

  • Visual and ergonomic redesign of the section: An update has been carried out to improve the user experience.
  • Removal of double questioning: The question “Has the entity considered the need for an impact analysis?” has been removed to simplify the process.
  • Reorganization of elements: The section “Analysis of the need to carry out an impact assessment” has been repositioned at the beginning of the section, providing greater consistency. The conclusion as to whether or not an impact assessment is required has been highlighted.
  • PIA addition review: It is now possible to attach an existing PIA or create a new PIA directly from this section. In addition, the integration of PIAs created outside the platform is now possible.
  • Associating actions with the heading: Actions can now be associated with this heading, regardless of the answer to the question “Has the entity carried out an impact analysis?”.

These updates have led to a review of the completion rate associated with this heading. The new rules are as follows:

  • Consider the need for an impact analysis:

    • Either at least one choice has been selected in the “Analysis” section

    • Or the choice “NA ‘ has been selected in the question ’Has the entity carried out an impact analysis?” + Comments field contains text.

  • Specify the progress of the impact analysis

    • 1 of the 4 choices in the question “Has the entity carried out an impact analysis?” has been ticked.

The impact is particularly minimal:

  • No impact on completion rate art.30
  • Your 100% completed processing in extended mode will not be modified.
  • A slight percentage difference will be observed in extended mode for processings that are not 100% complete.

Corrective actions taken

[Processing] - Creation 

It was possible to create a processing in the absence of Validators. This issue has been corrected in this version.

[Processing] - Processing update from a template

In some cases, an error message was displayed when consulting the update section, which summarizes the various modifications made to processing from a template. This issue has been corrected in this version.

[Processing] - Open processing

A number of users have experienced problems consulting certain processing (displaying an error page). This issue has been corrected in this version.