What's new in version 6.12

With only a few days to go before the AI Act comes into force on August 1, 2024, discover our new module to help you achieve compliance.

These features will be available from Monday July 22, 2024 - 7pm


New European AI Act Regulation

The new European AI Act Regulation (RIA ) aimed at regulating the use of artificial intelligence was published in the Official Journal on July 12, and will come into force on Thursday August 1.

Its implementation will be gradual, following the various milestones detailed in the regulation, but it is important for every company implementing AI systems, as of now, to :

  • raise awareness among their employees
  • set up an AI governance structure
  • map its AI systems and GPAlm
  • remove or modify AI systems prohibited by regulation
  • guarantee a sufficient level of AI control

What are AIS and GPAlm?

An artificial intelligence system refers to a computer system or software that integrates components using artificial intelligence, such as machine learning, speech recognition, natural language processing, computer vision and knowledge-based systems.

GPAlm defines so-called general-purpose artificial intelligence models, notably found in generative AI systems. These models are characterized by their ability to be used for a multitude of tasks, such as the large language models (LLMs) proposed by OpenAI, Mistral AI or Google.

A risk-based approach

The RIA uses a risk-based approach based on 4 levels:

  • Unacceptable
  • High risk
  • Specific in terms of transparency
  • Minimal

Risks of non-compliance with the AI Act

In the case of non-compliance, fines of up to 30 million euros or 7% of consolidated annual sales may be imposed. To oversee these activities, a European regulator was appointed on January 24, 2024, and national regulators will soon be appointed.

New AI Systems Module

To address these new challenges, we are now offering you our brand new AI Systems module, which will enable you to map your AI systems and start your compliance process.

Fully aware of the current implementation phase of the new regulation, for which many questions remain as to its implementation and confrontation with the reality on the ground, we have decided to offer a first module that is flexible and adaptable to the new challenges posed by AI Act implementation.

We'll be listening to your feedback to improve this module over the coming months, with a constant commitment to offering you solutions tailored to your operating environment and your daily challenges.

Without further ado, let's find out more about this one:

New AI Systems module

If you would like to benefit from our new AIS management module, please apply directly to your CSM or fill in the application form available in the application.

Our new AI Systems module can now be accessed via the Compliance section of your RGPD solution. It includes 3 subsections:

  • AI Record: list and map your AI systems.
  • AI Qualification: initiate a “by design” approach to managing your AI systems. Identify their qualification beforehand, carry out a conformity diagnosis...
  • Documentation: upload your AI documentation here

Various levels of authorization (permissions) have been set up in the solution to offer you a high degree of granularity in configuration (module access, consultation, addition, deletion of elements, etc.).

How to get started with our AI Systems module

Our new AI Systems module is based largely on our questionnaire management functionalities.

This approach enables us to offer you a high degree of flexibility and customization when mapping your AI systems.

Of course, we won't leave you alone with this task, as our various templates are available to help you get started with your compliance process. 

Let's find out how to get started with this new module:

Create your AI Record and AI Qualification questionnaires

It all starts with the creation of the questionnaires you'll be using in your IA Register and Qualification sections.

From our Questionnaire module (available in the Audit section), create a new questionnaire, assigning it the IA Register or IA Qualification category according to its intended use.

To do this, use our templates (by choosing to create your questionnaire from a template)

  • Mapping of AI Systems for your AI Record
  • Qualification of an AIS
  • Diagnosis of AIS compliance
  • Privacy by design - AI systems (CNIL fact sheets) for the Qualification section.

Lauchn your survey

Once you've completed your questionnaire, launch your associated survey.

Select the properties according to your needs:

All the advanced functionalities offered in our questionnaires are available in the AI System module: Scoring, red flags, exchanges with the respondent (comments, modifying answers), issuing an opinion ....

Several surveys with different questionnaires can be launched simultaneously on both the AI record and the AI Qualification sections, enabling your users to choose the most appropriate form for their needs.

Your surveys are now available. Your questionnaires are now available in your AI Record and AI Qualification sections.

You're ready to start complying with the European AI Act Regulation!

AI Record

The AI Record section is dedicated to mapping your AI systems.

By selecting it, you access your record. It contains all the AI Systems you have entered (answers to your AI Record questionnaires).

You can use the table to search for a particular AIS, as well as for AIS specific to an editor, a manager or a particular survey campaign, or to filter by opinion issued or advancement status:

Add an AIS

To add a new AIS to your register, use the “New AIS” action.

You will need to select the survey (the form to be filled in) and then define the name of your AIS.

Once you've filled in the information, your AI system can be completed. It will then follow the lifecycle you have defined in your survey settings (more information here).

Rename an AIS


You can rename an AIS at any time. This function is available from the AIS display:

Modify a manager

Managers are automatically assigned to the review of your AIS (they come from your survey settings). Depending on the rights assigned to you, you can modify these managers for a particular AIS.

Access your survey settings (forms) AI Record

A shortcut to access your IA Register survey settings is also available from the AI Record.

You must have campaign management permission to use this feature.

Qualification AI

The AI Qualification section is dedicated to managing your AI projects: Take a “by design” approach to managing your AI systems. Identify their qualification beforehand, carry out a compliance diagnosis... Qualify your AI project upstream, before it joins your register.

By selecting this option, you access the section dedicated to the qualification of your AI projects. This section contains all the information concerning the projects you have entered (answers to AI Qualification questionnaires).

You can easily search for a specific project in the list, filter by editor, person in charge, particular survey (questionnaire), or even by notice issued or progress status.

Add a project


To add a new AI project, please use the “New Project” action.

After selecting the campaign (the form to be filled in), you have several options available:

  • Create your own project
  • Invite someone else to create your project (via e-mail)
  • Share a link to the creation of a new AI project on your intranet or similar media.

This last option requires activation of the permanent link option on the survey concerned. 

Once you've filled in the information, your AI project can be completed. It will then follow the lifecycle you have defined in your survey parameters (more information here).

Rename a project

As with the AI Record, you can rename your projects at any time:

Modify a manager

Managers are automatically assigned to the review of your IA qualification questionnaire (they come from your campaign settings). Depending on the rights assigned to you, you can modify these managers for a particular form.

Access your survey settings (forms) AI Qualification

You can also easily access the settings for your AI Qualification surveys from this section.

You must have Questionnaire - survey management permission to use this feature.


The new European AI Act Regulation requires you to keep your quality management system up to date. This system must be documented in an orderly and systematic way, in the form of written policies, procedures and instructions. The Documentation section of your AI System module enables you to meet this objective.

Classify all your documents in the categories we provide and/or add your own categories, as we already offer in the accountability section of our RGPD solution.

We have taken the opportunity of the launch of the Documentation section of our AI module to make some visual adjustments to your Accountability RGPD so that it is more in harmony with our latest developments in terms of user experience.

Data Subject Request

New typology "Leads"

A new “Leads” typology is now available for managing your rights exercise requests. 


Corrective actions taken


Numerous improvements/corrections have been made to the application's various languages. 

[Processing] - Security measures - Adding a site/software or hardware

The cancel action when adding a site, hardware or software in the security measures section of Processing was inoperative. This point has been corrected in this version.


In response to your feedback, a number of corrections and improvements have been made to our public API.