Understanding the homepage

The homepage is your everyday dashboard. Log in to DLD GDPR and get 360° vision of how your processing activities, actions and more are progressing.

The homepage breaks down into several sections:


The following table describes each section:

Processing Indicates the number of processing activities to which you have access.
  • Click a status to open the list of processing activities filtered for that status.
  • Click View all processing to open the list of all processing activities.
Completeness rate

Toggle the Article 30 / Extended button to view the average completeness rate for your processing activities. You can view by area or for the entire record.

  • Click an Area to open the list of processing activities filtered for that Area.
  • To go directly to the full record, click View the record.
My actions

Only displays actions for which you are:

  • Person in charge or Watcher
  • actions "To do" and "In progress"
Actions are categorized according to their deadline:
  • past ()
  • soon (): deadline in 5 days or less
  • later (): deadline in more than 5 days
In each category, "High priority" actions are listed first, by deadline date.
Data subject requests Shows how many of your data subject requests are:
  • awaiting acknowledgment
  • awaiting response
Trainings Indicates:
  • percentage of employees trained
  • number of employees to be trained