Snippet DSR integration in your site:

Introduction :

I present you a configurable snippet that you can integrate on your website, this snippet aims to make appear a form from any button/link, this form allows you to send requests for exercise of rights directly on our platform Data Legal Drive. On this form you will find a field for the first name, the last name and the e-mail, you can also select one of the natures present in the list, you also have a free field to specify the details of the request.

A configurable snippet

This script is configurable, you can change the color of the title, the color of the send button, you can also customize a subtitle and the confirmation message. If you want to remove some request natures you can, you can configure the privacy policy link and finally you can also choose the default language.


Installation and configuration

1/ First you have to create a button or a link with the following attribute and with exactly the same value otherwise the snippet will not work:


2/ Once the button or link is created you will insert the following tag in the header:

<script id="scriptDLDForm" type="module" src="" config="" charset="utf-8"></script>

(Here the id is simply used to retrieve the attributes, the "module" type makes it possible to authorize asynchronous functions, the src already prefilled with a link makes it possible to target the hosted snippet, the config also makes it possible to target this time the configuration file and the charset="utf-8" avoids having problems concerning characters which do not appear)

3/ then you will have to create a file (.txt) with the name you want and you can place it where you want. Before filling this file, please fill in the path of this file in the config attribute. Now let's go to the configuration of this file : please integrate the following code in the config file :

publicKey =

secret = 

undertitle = 

buttonColor = 

titleColor =

confirmationMsg = 

removeNature = 

privacyPolicyLink = 

defaultLanguage = 

3.1/ Now let's configure this file:

- Please fill in the public key that was provided to you in the "publicKey" field

- Please also fill in the secret key that was also provided to you in the "secret" field

- The "undertitle" field allows you to put a subtitle in the form, you can fill in the text you want and it will appear right here:

If you do not fill in anything, no text will be displayed

- The field " buttonColor " allows you to change the color of the send button, it is imperative to put only Hexadecimal color codes or the names of the colors, if you put something else or if you do not fill this field the button will appear of green color

- The field "titleColor" allows you to change the color of the title of the form, it is imperative to put only Hexadecimal color codes or names of colors, if you put something else or if you do not fill this field the title will appear of red color

- The "confirmationMsg" field allows you to configure the sending confirmation message that appears after sending the form request, you can fill in the text you want and it will appear right here:

If you do not fill in this field a default text in English will appear, here is the message that will be displayed "Your request has been sent

- The "removeNature" field allows you to remove a nature from your form: you will have to fill in numbers between 1 and 9 to remove certain natures, each number corresponds to a nature;
1 -> Access

2 -> Revocation of consent

3 -> Erasure

4 -> Refusal of exclusively automated processing

5 -> Limitation

6 -> Opposition

7 -> Portability

8 -> Post-mortem directives

9 -> Rectification

If in this field for example you fill in "5,6" it will remove Limitation and Opposition

- Then we have the "privacyPolicyLink" field where you just have to fill in a link that leads to your privacy policy, if you leave it blank or put something else than a link you will be redirected to the Data Legal Drive privacy policy


- And finally we have the field "defaultlanguage" in which you will have to fill in the correct language acronym you want :

fr -> French

en -> English

de -> German

es -> Spanish

it -> Italian

nl -> Dutch

pl -> Polish

pt -> Portuguese

ro -> Romanian