Monitoring your risks

This article explains the various tools available to find and monitor your risks.

Table of contents


The Risk mapping page consists of three parts:

  • List of risks

  • Search filters
  • Heat map

List of risks

By default, the risks are displayed by date modified.

You can use the sort arrows to sort risks by:

  • alphabetical order (name of risk)

  • status

  • net risk

  • date created

The "..." icon allows you to delete a risk.

Search filters

The search filters allows you to filter risks according to:

  • name of risk

  • drafters

  • validators

  • status

Heat map

The heat map is both a monitoring tool and a filter. It allows you to:

  • view the number of risks at each net risk level at a glance;

  • filter risks by level of net risk.

Viewing the heat map

The heat map shows the net risk of each risk in your entity:

  • the gross risk is represented by the vertical axis;

  • the mitigation rating is represented by the horizontal axis;

  • the net risk is at the intersection of the two: it is the product of the gross risk and the mitigation rating (see Obtaining the net risk).

The numbers on the heat map represent the number of risks with a given net risk. For example, in the capture below, the number 12 indicates that there are 12 risks with that level of net risk.

Generally speaking, the redder the box, the higher the net risk. Inversely, the greener the box, the lower the net risk.

And if we break things down:

  • The boxes at the top represent the highest gross risks.

  • The boxes to the right represent the weakest risk mitigation.


The heat map includes risks that are "being drafted" and whose mitigation level has not yet been assessed. These risks have a default mitigation rating of 4/4. If you wish to remove these risks from the heat map, use the status filters.

To find out more about risk statuses, see Risk workflow.


Behind the math

The following diagram illustrates the net risk values of each box in the heat map. This is provided for information only: these values do not appear in the user interface.

For example, for the two boxes that have a net risk of 8, the one in the top row represents a high gross risk and a "significant" mitigation rating. The 8 box in the right-hand column represents a significant gross risk and a "weak" mitigation rating. That's why several boxes have the same value.

Filtering with the heat map

To filter by net risk:

  1. In the sidebar, click Risk mapping.

  2. On the heat map, click a number. The list of risks is filtered to only show those with a net risk corresponding to that box.


3. To expand the results to other net risk levels, click other boxes.


4. To remove a net risk level from the results, click the box.

Exporting risks

Risks can be exported as an Excel or a pdf. If the filters are used, only the filtered risks are exported.

To export risks:

  1. On the Risk mapping page, use the filters to select the risks to be exported. If no filters are used, all the risks will be exported.
  2. Click the "..." button.

3. Select Export filtered view with the format of your choice.

4. Save the file to your computer.