Add a data breach

Identify and describe any incidents that impact the personal data you process.

Prerequisite: Have the following permission: Access to Data Breach page.


  • In the navigation menu, click on Personal Data breach Icon - Violations-1.
  • Click Add a data breach.

Personal data breach - Add a data breach


  • In the Add a data breach window, enter its name and click Save.

There are four parts to consider when describing the new breach:

  • Its identification.
  • Categories of persons and data impacted by it.
  • Processing affected by the breach.


Items to complete Description
 Date of the data breach  When did the breach occur? (Day and time)
 Breach detected on  When did you learn about the data breach? (Day and time)
 Data breach nature You may check one or more items:
  • Loss of confidentiality: Unauthorized or accidental disclosure or access to personal data.
  • Loss of integrity: unauthorized modification or destruction of information.
  • Loss of availability: Unauthorized or accidental destruction or loss of personal data.
 Data breach sources

Select as many sources as needed.

You can also add new ones.

To do so, type your entry in the drop-down list and click Add (keyboard shortcut: Shift + Enter).

 Data breach causes

Select as many causes as needed.

You can also add new ones.

To do so, type your entry in the drop-down list and click Add (keyboard shortcut: Shift + Enter).

 Detailed description Indicate as precisely as possible the context and the reasons for the violation.
 Security measures prior to the data breach Indicate the measures your entity had in place to prevent the breach from occurring.
 Categories of personal data Select the category or categories of data impacted by the breach.
Approximate number of recordings Approximately how many records are related to this category or categories of data?
Data subject categories Select the category or categories of individuals impacted by the breach.
Approximate number of data subjects concerned Approximately how many individuals are impacted by this breach?
Processing Select one or more data processing that is affected by the breach.


After describing a breach, you can assess its risks to determine whether it is necessary to notify data subjects and the supervisory authority.